Qualifying Session II |
The Bulgarian Open team was the surprise package of the last European Team Championships in Malta and there was more evidence that Bulgaria is becoming a force in European bridge when the young pairing of Rossen Gunev and Dessy Popova posted the fourth best score in the first session of qualifying here in Bellaria. Naturally, we felt obliged to see how they were getting on in session two.
It seemed that we had chosen an inauspicious moment to begin watching as Rossen and Dessy started with a poor board against Gulvi Hogberg and Per-Arne Svensson of Sweden. One Diamond was Precision and the Two Spade response weak. It seemed normal for a weak no trump type to pass at this point and West made a balancing double. Now Gunev took the opportunity to show his second suit. East bid her hearts and Popova competed with Three Spades, ending the auction. Given the vulnerability, North is very likely to be 6-5, and perhaps South might have looked a little more closely at her hand before bidding Three Spades. What was an unattractive weak no trump with a poor king, queen doubleton has been transformed into a very good hand with everything working overtime. A Four Spade bid looks indicated and it would have been successful as Gunev made 11 tricks for +200 but a poor score.
Gunev was again in the auction based on shape rather than high cards. First he doubled Stayman to show his clubs, then he competed with a Three Heart bid when Two Spades was passed round to him. Perhaps West should have realised the danger of a bad spade break and not competed, given the weakness of his trump holding, but that is easy to say after the event. When he did compete, Popova was quick to double. Popova led the king of hearts and declarer won her ace and played a low club to the queen and ace. Gunev cashed the queen of hearts then gave his partner a ruff. Popova exited with a club but declarer ruffed in dummy and played a spade to the ten, jack and queen. Popova exited with ace and another spade this time but declarer got the diamonds right to escape for one down; -200 and a decent score for the Bulgarians.
Fried and Elke Weber from Germany came along next. Slam is fair, needing little more than avoiding a spade loser, so that you wouldn't really mind if you were in it or not - until you saw how many tricks you had made, of course. West left room for his partner to cuebid by making a forcing raise to Three Spades and probably the East hand should make one effort now. When she did not, they played in game. Gunev led a trump and Weber won in hand and played the jack of diamonds. Gunev took his ace and led a second trump and declarer claimed the rest; +480.
This one looked pretty flat. Popova led the nine of hearts to the jack, queen and king, and declarer played on spades to establish ten winners; +430.
The Bulgarians play a 9-12 mini no trump at this vulnerability so naturally that is what Popova opened. Gunev made the aggressive decision to look for a major-suit fit, pushing the partnership up a level. The Italian West found the best lead of a low spade and the defence cashed four rounds of those then switched to diamonds. Popova ducked until the third round but it was no use as the long diamond was with the club ace so she was three down for -150. With most North/Souths going plus in a club or heart partscore, that was pretty bad for the Bulgarians, but One No Trump minus two would have been little better; it was just a bad hand for their methods.
One Diamond was again Precision. When Popova jumped to Two No Trump, Gunev might have passed as his 13-count is not that attractive, however, he chose to raise to game on the basis that he could have been a couple of points worse. West led a club and Popova played low from dummy. East now made the curious play of the jack, losing to the queen. Had she gone up with the king and returned the suit, the defence would have been much better placed. Popova led the jack of spades, which held, then the king, which also held. Fearing ªA10xx with East, she now switched her attentions to diamonds, leading the jack. West made a serious error now by covering with the queen. Popova won the ace and played a second diamond to her ten then a third round. East won the king and played her remaining spade to the ace. When west played a club through, declarer finessed with some confidence, but though she lost that trick had the remainder for +630, a trick more than anyone else had made up to now. While they may have had a mixed time of it while we were watching, Popova/Gunev had a second good session and were lying sixth with one more session to play before the cut-off for the final was made.