> Chairman > Letter, 10 February 2004


Anna Maria Torlontano
WBF & EBL Women Committee Chairman

10 February 2004


To all NBOs


'Women Bridge'

Dear friends,

It's very nice for me to have the chance to write to you again, after quite a long time. First of all I would like to give you my best and warmest wishes for 2004 : good health, peace, success and...happy mood!

Let's come now to "Women's Bridge", something that has been very close to my heart for over 20 years!

You know that, during this very long period, I have always done my best, together with my Women Committee, to take care of the Women Players.

I tried in the past to ask your co-operation for it, because really without you we cannot achieve any of the aims that we would like to reach.

Please, let me repeat here the most important of our aims :

  • the first is to try to increase  and develop the Women Bridge in general, specially in the less advanced Countries.
  • to stress the point that it is very very important that you send a Women's Team to represent your Country, in the World Teams Olympiad this year, and also in the 2nd University Teams Bridge Cup.

    The World Championships are not far off now. I remind you that they will be in Istanbul in Turkey and the dates are from October 23 to November 6. You can find more information about them on the WBF Website at www.worldbridge.org and also at www.ecatsbridge.com

    Please try to do your best!
  • to strongly urge you, if you haven't already done so, to appoint a "Women's Delegate "  representative of the Women Bridge in your Country, who can take care of the promotion of the Women's Bridge and  with whom we can stay in contact, rather than always writing to you, the Presidents, who maybe are too busy with other problems. A Woman knows better the needs of other women, and  is for better able to understand their mentality and help them move forward.
    It may well be easier to work with younger people, with students. They are more able to accept changes in their lives, having a more flexible mental attitude.
    Many countries have already named their Representative who is in regular contact with us.
  • Communication :  we need to be able to keep in close and regular contact with you, the President, and with your Women Representative , in order to understand better and help you to face the different problems that you can have in this difficult sector.
  • Offering suggestions and help (except financial support) , according to your requests, like teaching material, (books) and a teaching program, available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, etc, on Internet at www.wbfteaching.org
  • Offering advice on how Women can become trained Directors in accordance with the WBF policy.


" Bridge " for Women is special, important, and the Women Bridge Players are special.

They can through Bridge, improve their own quality of life. Playing Bridge as a Sport, Women have a great opportunity to achieve success, to learn humility, to gain a strong sense of competition, how to communicate, how to socialize better.

And more, according to the IOC policy, the President of the World Bridge Federation José Damiani, and all of us, members of the Women Committee, strongly ask you again to give the most valid Women involved in Bridge (and I am sure you have plenty of them) a prominent position in the various Bridge sectors, in the administration, in public relation.

The IOC, says José Damiani, recommends a minimum of 20%  female representation.

It's time to tell you how we, Members of the Women Committee, intend now to develop the promotion of the Women's Bridge .

We had a meeting of the Women Committee, in Monte Carlo , where recently the WBF Championships were held.  All the Zones were represented.(at the end of this letter you will see the list of the members of the Committee and the Zones for which they are responsible, together with their contact details)

I wish you be aware of the most important arguments discussed in the meeting:

  • First of all each Member gave a detailed Report on the Women Bridge in her/his Zone., country by country.
  • After many discussions on different arguments in general, we reached a very important decision: We studied a plan for the Women's section of the WBF Website .

It will be much easier to work , to be in contact, to communicate, to get and to give information, using on Internet the "WBF WEB-SITE "

Our "HOME PAGE " will show you the various items illustrated on the site.

Contact Addresses : list of the Committee Members, their curriculum and position, and their contact details.

Calendar of Women Events :  WBF Championships and events (all information)

In this section we will enclose also the Championships and various events that will be organized for Women in your Country and Zone , on condition that you will let us know .

Women in Bridge :  Biographies and Pictures of the Top Women Players , great Personalities (of each Country and Zone.)

General Information :  "catchall" area which will be subdivided to give you materials that you can use, advice section, suggestions.

All this, of course , needs your co-operation in keeping popular this way among your players

  • to inform and communicate by Internet.
  • in sending material that we need to be put on the SITE
  • to be in close and continuous contact with the Member of the WBF Women Committee , responsible for your Zone, for any request of information, explanation, clarification of doubts, suggestions.  (Don't forget that we need your suggestions!)

The material that you would like to put on the WBF Web-Site, has to be sent to our Secretary: Anna Gudge at anna@ecats.co.uk

At this point, please be kind  to concentrate for a moment, your attention upon what I am saying now:

Following the IOC policy, we dedicated and are dedicating our time, strength and energy above all to the high-level Women Players, wishing and hoping to find and to create "Women Champions". Consequently all of us try to gather, to convince to push this kind of players to participate in our most important Championships, like WORLD Pairs and Teams, Olympiad etc.

But, and this is the point , what are we doing for the medium ranked Women Players, who have not too many occasions to play in a tournament abroad? What about a special event for them … of course serious and qualified, but, at the same time played in a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere, under the banner of friendship and socialization?

With this in mind, I have again organized this year, in Europe, the "Women Bridge Festival ", this time in Vienna, from the 20 to 25 July 2004, at the same time of the "Vienna Festival", to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Austrian Bridge Federation.


The Brochure is on the EBL Website at www.eurobridge.org   just waiting for you to download  it, and read all about this wonderful event. Or Anna (please let her know) can email it to you in ACROBAT format if you prefer...Please read it carefully and send it on to as many Women Players as possible so that they can have the opportunity of playing in this lovely Festival. All the information is also on Anna's site at www.ecatsbridge.com ; if you would like us to send you printed copies of the brochure please email anna@ecats.co.uk as soon as possible, with your address details and she will mail them to you immediately.

Trust us please. Communicate with us!

I am sure that together we will reach our aims and goals for all our Women Players.

I am confident in your co-operation.

On behalf of José Damiani, President of the World Bridge Federation and of course on my own behalf as well, I send you our best wishes for much success in Bridge!


Anna Maria Torlontano


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