Judgement justified by Nikolas Bausback

You should always be able to play as good as you bid. Antonio Sementa proved his abilities in both departments on the following deal.

Board 18. Dealer East. NS Game
spade J
heart A Q 9 7 3
diamond 3
client A J 8 7 6 4
spade 10 8 7 5 2 spade Q 9 3
heart 10 heart K J 8 6 2
diamond K J 10 7 5 diamond Q 9 4
client 9 2 client 10 5
spade A K 6 4
heart 5 4
diamond A 8 6 2
client K Q 3

West North East South
Bausback Sementa Alberti Tempestini

Pass 1NT
2diamond 3diamond Pass 3spade
Pass 6client All Pass

After this short but effective bidding sequence Sementa justified his judgement in the bidding with brilliant declarer play. He won the diamond lead with dummy´s ace, played a heart to ace and another heart. Now the contract is unbeatable, had East however found a trump lead, her side would have been all smiles.

Results Contents
Pairs 3rd Qualifying Session
Pairs 1st Final/Consolation Session
Pairs Session 3 Boards 15-18
The Good, the bad and the truly ugly
by Marc Smith
Judgement Justified
by Nikolas Bausback
Catching up with Eastern Europeans
by Marc Smith

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