11th European Champions' Cup Round 4 Group A

Table Home Team Visiting Team IMPs VPs
Home Team Visit. Team Home Team Visit. Team
1 Burghausen 1 Monaco FM 36 43 14 16
2 Hinden -English Premier League Israel Blue 32 46 12 18
3 Angelini Bridge Team BK Lavec – Smile 62 27 22 8

• For the team record, click on the team name.
• For the match scorecard, click on the table number.
• For bidding and play data of a match, click on the IMP result.

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Final Rankings

Rank Team VPs
1 Angelini Bridge Team 73
2 Monaco FM 69
3 Hinden -English Premier League 64
  Israel Blue 64
5 BK Lavec – Smile 47
6 Burghausen 1 41