48th European Bridge Team Championships Page 6 Bulletin 12 - Thursday 24 August 2006

EBL Congress Meeting


The President of the European Bridge League, Gianarrigo Rona, welcomed the delegates and opened the meeting.

The President of the World Bridge Federation, José Damiani told the meeting that he would be writing to NBOs early in September but meanwhile he mentioned the International Mind Sports Association and the events taking place in Beijing in 2008 where it planned to hold the first Intellympiad. At that event there will be special support for youth players, in the shape of accommodation and food and the possibility of some support for travel is being explored.

There was a special presentation about next year’s European Open Championships in Antalya, featuring MNG and Bentours and that was followed by a lively and constructive discussion about various aspects of the Championship.


The Hon. President of the EBL, Bill Pencharz addressed the meeting as to proposed changes to the statutes of the EBL.

Micke Melander outlined the proposed changes to the EBL Master Point regulations - we hope to provide more detailed information before the end of the Championships.

Geert Magerman presented the University Bridge Plan and there was a Report on Teaching from Marijke Blanken.

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