EBL President Gianarrigo Rona |
Mr Raimundo Dominguez, Director General de Gobierno de Canaria, Mr. Miguel Delgado, Cosejero del Cabildo Insular, Mr. Josè Alberto Gonzales Reveron, Mayor of Arona, Mr. Rafael Estartus, Delegado de la Presidencia de Mare Nostrum, Authorities, thank you for your attendance to our Ceremony.
Dear colleagues, officers, journalists, players and friends,
Welcome to Arona to participate and enjoy together the 2 nd European Open Bridge Championship, just 4 years after the organisation of the 45 th European Teams Championship. With players representing some 50 countries, this will be a truly special event with thousands of bridge players involved.
I am sure that this will be a great event thanks to the Organising Committee who have worked with such commitment, passion, professionalism and enthusiasm towards its success. To its members go our most sincere thanks. We are also very grateful to the local Authorities for their significant and essential contribution.
I am sure that the beautiful island of Tenerife , one of the 7 happy Canary Islands, will live up to its reputation for offering a great welcome and I take the opportunity to thank Mr Adan Martin, Presidente del Gobierno de Canaria, Ricardo Melchior, Presidente del Cabildo de Tenerife, the Mayor of Arona , Mr Josè Alberto Gonzales Reveron, Mr Antonio Mestre, Presidente of Mare Nostrum, the Spanish Bridge Federation led by Eduardo Molero, the Asociacion Canaria de Bridge, led by Manolo Negrin, my great friend, Aureliano Yanes, on site organiser, and all our Sponsor-friends who have allowed us to organise this Championship.
Together with my colleagues from the European Bridge League I am confident in being able to count on both the dedication and professionalism of our staff, and on the cooperation of all of you. I often repeat that bridge is more than fair-play, because it is a way of thinking and not just a way of being, and I am sure that this great event will increase my conviction.
This biennial appointment, started two years ago in Menton, represents one of the most important meetings in European and World Bridge and I strongly believe that it renews the great tradition of friendship, solidarity, aggregation, without discrimination and barriers, exalting the true values of sport in general, and Bridge in particular.
I strongly believe that we will be able to achieve, once again, these results because I know you, the players, the true protagonists of our events and because I know your spirit, behaviour and attitude in participating and competing our championship. For all these reasons and not only for coming I thank you and I am pleased to express to you our gratitude. If bridge today is part of the Olympic Family, if bridge today is one of the most important sports in the world, this is really due to you – and you fully deserve this!
I hope you enjoy your stay in this wonderful land, in this wonderful venue.
Now the curtain is raised and I am very proud to declare the 2 nd European Open Bridge Championship officially open.
All the best to you, and “un abbraccio”.
Gianarrigo Rona