4th European Champions Cup Page 5 Bulletin 4 - Sunday 16 October  2005

The Semifinals: third quarter

For the third segment of the semis, Allegra would remain unchanged of course but for Parioli, Fantoni-Nunes would replace Angelini-Sementa and face Di Bello-D’Avossa. So at the other table, the four grand masters would continue their battle. In the other match, Bruun-Fredin came back for Schaltz to replace Schaltz jr and Christiansen, and for Besiktas Kandemir came back to replace Kubac. Right on board 1, we saw successful deceptive plays at two of the four tables in play:

Board 1. Dlr: North/None
 ♠ K Q 8
A 8
K J 9 8 7
♣ 4 3 2

♠ 10 9 7 4 2
10 5 4 2
6 2
♣ 9 5
Bridge deal
♠ A 5
J 9 6 3
Q 10 4
♣ K Q J 8
 ♠ J 6 3
K Q 7
A 5 3
♣ A 10 7 6

Parioli v. Allegra: Open Room

All pass    

Lauria led the ♣Q which was won by dummy’s ace immediately. Bocchi next went after the diamonds by playing low to the king and continuing with the jack, apparently trying to keep East out of the lead. When East covered the jack and won the next diamond trick this plan had failed and East continued the ♣8. When dummy played low, the ♠A was the entry to two more clubs: one down and +50 to Parioli. Closed Room

D’AvossaFantoniDi BelloNunes
All pass    

Di Bello too led the ♣Q but when he was given his diamond trick he cashed the ♣K, thus giving away the show and the chance to set the contract. Parioli another +400 and 10 imps to go into the lead again by 7. Strangely enough, the same defences were found at either table in the other semifinal: Open Room

KandemirSchaltz DZorluSchaltz P
All pass    

Lead: ♣Q followed by ♣8 to West’s nine.
One down. Closed Room

All pass    

Lead: ♠2 to king and ace, followed by ♣Q and, when it held, ♣K.
Curtains. 10 imps to Besiktas.Three boards later, game was missed at one table in either match:

Board 4. Dlr: West/All
 ♠ Q J 5
9 6 4
K 10 4
♣ A 9 5 4

♠ K 9 8 7 6 4
7 3
6 5 3
♣ 10 8
Bridge deal
♠ 3 2
A K J 5
A J 8 7 2
♣ 6 2
 ♠ A 10
Q 10 8 2
Q 9
♣ K Q J 7 3

Open Room

KandemirSchaltz DZorluSchaltz P
Pass3NTAll pass  

On a top heart lead and a low heart continuation, Dorthe Schaltz did well to insert dummy’s ten. From then on, she was safe for +600 to Schaltz. Closed Room

All pass    

2♠ was a weak jump. Dogan must have regretted, at his second turn, that he did not overcall earlier on. At this stage, NS were no longer in a good position to judge, so game was missed. Besiktas +110 when 3♣ just made, but 10 imps to Schaltz. In the other match, Duboin too did not overcall so his side also missed game here: Open Room

Pass2NTAll pass  

Nine tricks, Allegra +150. Closed Room

D’AvossaFantoniDi BelloNunes
All pass    

When Nunes overcalled, NS were in game. East led the AK and another, Fantoni putting up the queen, but it did not matter once he decided to finesse the J through East. Just made, 10 more imps to Parioli. And:

Board 5. Dlr: North/NS
 ♠ J 8
A Q J 2
♣ K Q J 9 7 3

♠ 7 5 3
Q 10 9 7 3 2
K 10 9 8
♣ -
Bridge deal
♠ A Q 10 9
K J 8 5 4
6 3
♣ 5 2
 ♠ K 6 4 2
7 5 4
♣ A 10 8 6 4

Open Room

KandemirSchaltz DZorluSchaltz P
All pass    

4NT showed minors and Dorthe’s forcing pass inspired Peter to go to slam. When Ew did not take the save and the two finesses both worked, Schaltz had registered a rather lucky +1370. Closed Room

All pass    

Correctly judged by Dogan and Senguler, but to little avail. Down two brought them +300 but a loss of 14 more imps. They were suddenly trailing by 43 imps. A big swing too in the Italian match, and once again Parioli’s way: Open Room

All pass    

When Versace did not save again, it looked an unfavourable result for them, but at the other table: Closed Room

D’AvossaFantoniDi BelloNunes
All pass    

This is was can happen if you save again. Forcing pass by North and South accepting the push. Twelve tricks at both tables of course, so another 13 imps to Parioli who led by 40, all of a sudden. On the next board, Schaltz struck heavily again, but for once, Parioli suffered an even bigger blow:

Board 7. Dlr: South/All
 ♠ K 10 9 7 6
♣ A K 10 9 3

A Q J 10 7 4 2
5 2
♣ J 8 7 5
Bridge deal
♠ 3 2
9 6 5 3
K 9 6 3
♣ Q 6 2
 ♠ A Q J 8 5 4
Q 10 8 7 4
♣ 4

Open Room

KandemirSchaltz DZorluSchaltz P
7DblAll pass  

This would have been an excellent save again, provided the ♣A would have been with South. Down four, +1100 to Schaltz. Closed Room

Pass6♠All pass  

When Fredin led the A the slam could no longer be made. Schaltz another +100 and 15 more imps to lead by exactly 50 now! Bold gambling bids were made at both tables in the Italian match: Open Room

46♠All pass  

Lead ♣7.
Just made, Allegra +1430. Closed Room

D’AvossaFantoniDi BelloNunes
46♠All pass  

Lead: A.
Just in time one down, Allegra +100 and 17 much-needed imps back. Two boards later, the Danish interfered too much:

Board 9. Dlr: North/EW
 ♠ Q 8 7 6 5 2

K J 6 4 2
♣ 8 2

♠ A 10 9
Q 5
A 9 8 5 3
♣ K 9 5
Bridge deal
♠ K J 4
A J 10 8 7 3 2
♣ Q 6
 ♠ 3
K 9 6 4
Q 7
♣ A J 10 7 4 3

Closed Room

5All pass   

This was easy enough in spite of the 4-0 trump break, as there is no communication between the NS hands for a possible trump promotion. Schaltz +650. Open Room

KandemirSchaltz DZorluSchaltz P
DblAll Pass   

Once too often and a complete misfit too. We can understand that the computer in the Open Room broke down after this auction. On a trump lead (well done) by East the contract went five light for +1100 and 10 imps to Besiktas, who very much needed them. There was little in the last three boards of the set, and with 12 boards to go the scores read: Schaltz-Besiktas: 114-70 Parioli-Allegra: 80-57. Would both matches be effectively over?

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