Round 4: Allegra v. BCOB Brussels
After three rounds, the hosts were leading their group after their big win against Dortmund. They were just 1 V.P. ahead of the Allegra team from Turin, their opponents in this round. So an interesting match certainly was in prospect as any outcome would have its effect on the overall standings and the qualification. Meanwhile, the Modalfa team from Amsterdam was playing Näsby from Sweden; a good win might see them go ahead of both Allegra and BCOB.
With the score at 2-1 to the locals after two boards they seized the opportunity to increase their lead on board 3:
Board 3. Dlr: South/EW |
| ♠ 6 5 ♥ A J 6 3 ♦ A 7 6 ♣ K 7 5 4 |
♠ A 10 4 ♥ K 7 5 4 2 ♦ Q ♣ J 8 6 3 |  | ♠ K 9 8 7 3 2 ♥ Q 8 ♦ K J 3 ♣ 9 2 |
| ♠ Q J ♥ 10 9 ♦ 10 9 8 5 4 2 ♣ A Q 10 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
Van Middelem | Bocchi | Coenraets | Duboin
| | | Pass
Pass | 1♣ | 1♠ | 2♣
2♦ | 3♦ | Pass | Pass
3♠ | All pass
| | |
Guy Van Middelem judged well to compete once more and got his reward when Coenraets started trumps by laying down the ♠K. After that, his choice of plays was restricted to picking up the ♠J as well without loss for exactly nine tricks and a fine +140.
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Di Bello | Labaere V | D’Avossa | Labaere A
| | | Pass
Pass | 1♣ | 1♠ | 2♦
Dbl | Pass | 2♠ | Pass
Pass | 3♦ | All pass
| |
This should have gone one down, one assumes, but at the table it was made when Di Bello underled his ♠A and D’Avossa did not play the king. So Alain Labaere could win the ♠10 lead cheaply and only lost three of the more or less obvious four other tricks to score another +130 and 7 imps.
The Belgians’ lead had risen to 15-1 when the Italians finally struck back:
Board 6. Dlr: East/EW |
| ♠ 10 6 2 ♥ 7 ♦ A K 8 7 6 ♣ Q 10 3 2 |
♠ 4 3 ♥ 10 8 6 4 ♦ 9 ♣ A K J 7 6 5 |  | ♠ A K Q J 5 ♥ A J ♦ Q 10 3 2 ♣ 8 4 |
| ♠ 9 8 7 ♥ K Q 9 5 3 2 ♦ J 5 4 ♣ 9 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
Van Middelem | Bocchi | Coenraets | Duboin
| | 1♠ | Pass
2♣ | Pass | 2♦ | 2♥
Pass | Pass | 3NT | All pass
Though 2
♥ could have gone down three the Belgians reached their game contract only to find that it was a little too hot to handle on the defence they were treated to.
Duboin led the ♣9 which Coenraets ducked – a good move to guard against a 3-2 break but not quite adequate this time. Bocchi overtook with the ten and instead of switching to his heart, he led a low diamond. Duboin won his jack when declarer played low and continued the suit, Bocchi winning the king. At this point, it was time for a heart. Coenraets went in with the ace and, not knowing where the
♦A was, cashed out instead of conceding another diamond. One down and +100 to Allegra.
In the other room, the same contract was played from the other side of the table, after here too, EW had not bothered to double 2
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Di Bello | Labaere V | D’Avossa | Labaere A
| | 1♠ | Pass
1NT | Pass | 2♣ | 2♥
3♣ | Pass | 3NT | All pass
North led a low diamond to the jack, but now, South continued the
♥K – an unexpected move in sight of dummy when partner does not lead the bid suit. Di Bello immediately returned the
♥J for an easy nine tricks, Allegra + 12 imps to trail by only 2 now.
Allegra took the lead with a small partscore swing on the next board and it stood at 18-16 to them when the final six boards of the set were due:
Board 15. Dlr: South/NS |
| ♠ J 7 ♥ Q 6 ♦ Q 10 8 7 6 3 ♣ 10 9 3 |
♠ K 10 9 8 ♥ 4 ♦ A K 9 5 4 2 ♣ 7 4 |  | ♠ A 6 5 3 ♥ J 10 7 3 ♦ ♣ A K 6 5 2 |
| ♠ Q 4 2 ♥ A K 9 8 5 2 ♦ J ♣ Q J 8 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
Van Middelem | Bocchi | Coenraets | Duboin
| | | 1♥
2♦ | Pass | 2NT | Pass
3♦ | All pass
| | |
As there had been no warning signals from either North or South Van Middelem could only suspect a bad trump break, but not be completely sure of it. When he ruffed the second heart and, in spite of the fall of the jack under the
♦A, went on to cash the
♦K as well, he could no longer make the hand. One down and what a good idea by Bocchi (or Duboin, for that matter) not to double this!
For this is what happened at the other table:
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Di Bello | Labaere V | D’Avossa | Labaere A
| | | 1♥
2♦ | Pass | Pass | Dbl
All pass
| | | |
♥Q and another heart, ruffed by declarer.
♦A, ♣AK and a club ruff, three rounds of spades. North has to ruff partner’s spade winner and lead trumps into declarer’s
♦K95, getting just one more trick when declarer ducks the
♦Q. Allegra an unexpected +280 and 8 imps to lead by 10 now.
Two slam swings then sealed the Belgians’ fate:
Board 17. Dlr: North/None |
| ♠ J 8 ♥ Q 7 6 5 4 ♦ 9 8 2 ♣ Q 9 4 |
♠ A 7 4 2 ♥ A ♦ A 4 ♣ A 10 8 7 3 2 |  | ♠ K 9 6 3 ♥ J 8 ♦ K Q J 7 5 3 ♣ J |
| ♠ Q 10 5 ♥ K 10 9 3 2 ♦ 10 6 ♣ K 6 5 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
Van Middelem | Bocchi | Coenraets | Duboin
| Pass | 1♦ | 1♥
2♣ | 3♥ | Pass | Pass
3♠ | Pass | 4♠ | All pass
Mind you, with clubs 3-3 you can make all the tricks in diamonds! Brussels +480.
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Di Bello | Labaere V | D’Avossa | Labaere A
| Pass | 1♦ | Pass
2C!! | Pass | 2♠ | Pass
2N!! | Pass | 3♦ | Pass
3♠ | Pass | 3NT | Pass
4♣ | Pass | 4♦ | Pass
5NT | Pass | 6♦ | Pass
6♠ | All pass
| | |
The Italians came much closer to 7
♦ but as so often, bidding the small slam was more than enough to register a substantial gain. +11 imps and the lead more than doubled to 21 now.
The hosts recouped another partscore swing when Valérie Labaere overcalled whereas Bocchi did not, but then came the final blow to them:
Board 19. Dlr: South/EW |
| ♠ K 10 ♥ 7 5 3 ♦ A 9 7 3 2 ♣ K Q J |
♠ A Q J 5 4 3 ♥ A Q ♦ K Q 8 ♣ 7 6 |  | ♠ 9 8 2 ♥ K J 10 9 6 4 ♦ 5 ♣ A 9 3 |
| ♠ 7 6 ♥ 8 2 ♦ J 10 6 4 ♣ 10 8 5 4 2 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
Van Middelem | Bocchi | Coenraets | Duboin
| | | Pass
2♦ | Pass | 2♥ | Pass
2♠ | Pass | 3♥ | Pass
4♥ | Pass | 4NT | Pass
5♠ | Pass | 6♥ | All pass
Well, had the ♠K been right we would probably have applauded the Belgian auction but this time we can only report that the penalty was 200, on a diamond lead by South.
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Di Bello | Labaere V | D’Avossa | Labaere A
| | | Pass
1♠ | Dbl | 2♦ | Pass
2NT | Pass | 4♣ | Pass
4♥ | All pass
| | |
North led the ♣K, restricting declarer to exactly 10 tricks. Allegra another +13 to win the match 50-22 or 20-10 in V.P., enough to take the lead in their group. An interesting last round would be coming up, as they would have to play Modalfa who had reached second place partly as a result of this match, whereas the Brussels team would have to face Besiktas who were still in with a chance after their blitz in the 4th round against Dortmund.