The Good,
the Bad and the Ugly
By Kees Tammens
Maybe you know the movie called ‘The Good, the Bad and the
Ugly’. Kibitzing a junior championship always reminds me of
that beautiful film. Juniors seem to play with their gun loose in
the holster. They shoot at every opportunity. This creates plays
that can be categorized in the three categories in the title of
the movie. I would like to suggest that we make up a series of articles
in which hands, boards, bids and plays can be nominated. The bulletin
editor will be the judge and finally will give away the awards.
The first three entries:
The pair that reached 6§ on a hand where the rest of the field
went down in 3NT.
(please tell the bulletin editor your names)
ª J 9 7
© 10 9 7 4
¨ K 10 7 6
§ 10 5 |
ª A 10 8 5 4
© A Q 6
¨ 8
§ A K Q 2 |
ª 2
© K 3 2
¨ Q 9 5 3 2
§ J 9 7 6 |
ª K Q 6 3
© J 8 5
¨ A J 4
§ 8 4 3 |
Even the vugraph commentators thought that 6§ was impossible on
a trump lead and that even 5§ was difficult. The screen showed that
a trump was led at the only table that reached slam and still produced
Sometimes bridge is an easy game. A club for the nine, spade to
the ace and a spade ruff, heart to the ace and a second spade ruff.
Now a heart to the queen and a third ruff with §J. Now a diamond
and North/South can not prevent declarer to ruff the second diamond,
draw trumps and enjoy the thirteenth spade as his twelfth trick.
What’s the problem?
N/S Vul. Dealer South.
ª 9 6
© 10 6 3
¨ A K 7 6 3
§ J 9 6 |
ª J 8 7 3
© Q 9 8 7 5 4
¨ -
§ A 4 2 |
ª K Q 10 5 4 2
© -
¨ 9 5 2
§ Q 10 5 3 |
ª A
© A K J 2
¨ Q J 10 8 4
§ K 8 7 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
- |
- |
- |
1¨ |
1© |
2¨ |
2ª |
3ª |
4ª |
5¨ |
Pass |
Pass |
Dblee |
All Pass |
West led ª7 for queen and ace. Three rounds of diamonds were followed
by a small heart for jack and queen. West played a second spade,
ruffed by South, who went to dummy with ©10 to play §6, East §3,
South §K and West §A. A club came back for two down. But what was
worse, §3 or §K instead of §8?
(Of course the writer of this article risks getting hurt by angry
As the trainer of Dutch juniors I was completely devastated by
one very ugly board.
N/S Vul. Dealer West.
ª 5
© 2
¨ K Q 7 6 4 3 2
§ K J 6 2 |
ª K Q 9 7 6 4 3
© 10 8 6 3
¨ -
§ Q 5 |
ª A 2
© Q J 7 4
¨ A J 10 9 8 5
§ 9 |
ª J 10 8
© A K 9 5
¨ -
§ A 10 8 7 4 3 |
With the Netherlands East/West
West |
North |
East |
South |
4ª |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
Pass |
5¨ |
Dble |
5© |
Dble |
6§ |
Dble |
All Pass |
The lead was ªA followed by a small diamond, ruffed with §7 and
over-ruffed with §Q for one down. It turned out that I was not the
only one who was hit by a bullet, as there was also Schelte Wijma,
the npc, who was sure to get a big result on this board.
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
3¨ |
Pass |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
South took his gun and shot at 3ª, a contract that could not be
beaten. Maybe the only fortunate thing was that this story could
receive the ‘Ugly’ award.