Rara Avis
It is not unusual to get several stories surrounding a deal, but
to get two involving the same country from two different events
is a ‘Rara Avis’ – a rare bird. This deal from
Round 13 of the Open series, (Round 8 for the women) is one such.
First let’s take a look at the Women’s match between
Poland and Germany.
Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul.
ª J 2
© A J 7
¨ A J 10 7 2
§ A 10 9 |
ª Q 9 8 5
© 8 5 4 3 2
¨ 4 3
§ J 2 |
ª A 10 6 3
© K 10
¨ K 9 8
§ Q 6 5 4 |
ª K 7 4
© Q 9 6
¨ Q 6 5
§ K 8 7 3 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Sarniak |
Auken |
Brewiak |
Von Arnim |
Pass |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
In the world of the strong notrump this is a routine auction.
East led a low spade and West won with the queen and returned the
suit. East won and played back the ten of spades, preserving a link
to the West hand. Declarer discarded a heart, won with dummy’s
king and ran the queen of diamonds. East won with the king and played
a spade to West, who switched to a heart as declarer threw a club.
Declarer went up with the ace and ran the diamonds, squeezing East
in hearts and clubs.
Another routine hand for Sabine Auken.
Provided declarer reads the position, there is no defence to 3NT,
but there are always two sides to every story.
Let’s move to the Open series, Germany v Greece:
West |
North |
East |
South |
Gotard |
Piekarek |
Pass |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
The early play was exactly the same, but when West was in on the
fourth round of spades he switched to his singleton diamond. Now
declarer could cash his diamond winners, discarding a club and the
queen of hearts, but in the ending he had to guess the location
of the king of hearts. When he finessed he was two down.
Perhaps declarer should have asked himself why the defenders had
arranged for West to win the fourth round of spades. Then there
is the principle that it is always more elegant to make a contract
via a squeeze than a finesse. Still, full marks to West for his
smart move in not playing a heart.