BC Modalfa
v. BC Allegra - Round Robin, Round 3
After the first day, BC Modalfa from Amsterdam, the Netherlands
with 44 V.P. and BC Allegra from Turin, Italy with 43 V.P. were
at the top of the rankings in section A of the Round Robins. As
the third-ranked team, BK Herkules from Stockholm, Sweden, at this
stage were already 12 V.P. behind the leaders, the match scheduled
in Round 3 between Allegra and Modalfa should be an interesting
match anyway, both teams no doubt wanting to keep their chances
of qualification intact.
After an easy small slam in any minor suit on the first board and
a partscore hand on which neither NS pair could possibly find their
diamond fit on board 2, there was more action on the next board:
Board 3. Dealer South, EW Vul.
ª J
© 4
¨ K 10 6 4 2
§ Q J 8 5 3 2 |
ª A 10 9
© K 9 8 7 5
¨ A J
§ A K 7 |
ª K Q 8 7 5 4 2
© J 10 6 3
¨ 8 5
§ - |
ª 6 3
© A Q 2
¨ Q 9 7 3
§ 10 9 6 4 |
Closed Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Bakkeren |
D'Avossa |
Bertens |
Ferraro |
Pass |
1© |
2NT |
4§ |
5¨ |
5NT |
Pass |
6§ |
Pass |
6© |
All Pass |
4§ showed a good hand with a heart fit. Ferraro’s choice
to show his diamond fit first enabled Bakkeren to explore the possibilities
of a grand slam, but Bakkeren would have nothing of that, as you
can imagine. When declarer made the normal play of finessing for
the ©Q he had 12 tricks easily enough. Modalfa +1430.
Open Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Paulissen |
Buratti |
Nab |
Pass |
1© |
2NT |
4§ |
5§ |
5¨ |
6§ |
6© |
All Pass |
Here, after the fit-showing 4§, Nab elected to go for clubs first,
giving Lanzarotti all the room he might need to express his hand.
When Paulissen raised to 6§ over the 5¨ cuebid, Buratti was in an
less comfortable position than his Dutch counterpart. He correctly
judged to go to 6© though, so the only problem left was to bring
home the beacon. Influenced no doubt by the violent intervention,
Lanzarotti elected to play a low heart to the king which led to
a swift one down and 17 IMPs to Modalfa.
The difference between the Weak Two and the Multi approach made
itself felt on this one:
Board 5 Dealer North, NS Vul.
ª 6 2
© A J 9 8 7 3
¨ K J 7 4
§ 8 |
ª K 7
© Q
¨ A Q 6 2
§ A J 10 7 6 4 |
ª 10 9 8 5
© K 6 4 2
¨ 9 8 5 3
§ 9 |
ª A Q J 4 3
© 10 5
¨ 10
§ K Q 5 3 2 |
Closed Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Bakkeren |
D'Avossa |
Bertens |
Ferraro |
2© |
Pass |
4© |
5§ |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
When Ferraro boldly raised his partner’s weak two to game
the pressure was on West. 4NT might have been an alternative, but
that would not have worked either; only a double would have hit
the jackpot. As it was, Bakkeren went down five on the lead of the
©A and a spade switch. Allegra +1100.
Open Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Paulissen |
Buratti |
Nab |
2¨ |
Pass |
2© |
3§ |
All Pass |
Well, here too South might have considered a leap to the four-level,
but when he stayed quiet, Lanzarotti had all the time in the world
to describe his good hand. Luckily enough for him, Buratti had nothing
to contribute so it came to rest at a not too unsafe level. Modalfa
+50 but 14 IMPs to Allegra who thus made up most of the deficit.
One board later:
Board 6. Dealer East, EW Vul.
ª A Q J 10 9 7 5
© 3
¨ Q 5 4
§ 10 5 |
ª 8 6 2
© Q 8 6
¨ A 10
§ Q J 7 3 2 |
ª 3
© A 10 7 5 2
¨ K 8 7 6 2
§ K 9 |
ª K 4
© K J 9 4
¨ J 9 3
§ A 8 6 4 |
Closed Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Bakkeren |
D'Avossa |
Bertens |
Ferraro |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2© |
2ª |
Pass |
2NT |
4ª |
All Pass |
2ª showed a twosuiter and 2NT was suggesting some fit. On this
revealing auction, Bakkeren led the ©A. All would have been well
had he found the diamond shift, but when a continued another heart,
declarer could no longer go wrong once he called for dummy’s
nine. Allegra +420.
Open Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Paulissen |
Buratti |
Nab |
Pass |
1§ |
Pass |
4ª |
All Pass |
Against this unrevealing auction, Buratti knew he had to make an
aggressive lead, so out came the ¨8. When Lanzarotti won the ace
and returned the 10, the ruff was there for the defence. Buratti
had in fact returned the ¨7 for his partner to ruff, but as the
©A could not run away Lanzarotti secured a second undertrick by
returning a club. Well done. Allegra +100 and 11 more IMPs to take
a lead they were never to lose any more.
Board 9. Dealer North, EW Vul.
ª Q 10 7 5 2
© 9 4 2
¨ K 4 2
§ Q 7 |
ª 4 3
© A 8 7 3
¨ 3
§ K J 10 5 4 3 |
ª K 8
© K J 6 5
¨ 9 8 7 6
§ A 8 6 |
ª A J 9 6
© Q 10
¨ A Q J 10 5
§ 9 2 |
Closed Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Bakkeren |
D'Avossa |
Bertens |
Ferraro |
Pass |
Pass |
1¨ |
2§ |
Dble |
Redble |
2ª |
Pass |
3ª |
4§ |
All Pass |
Double-dummy you can even make Four Clubs by dropping both doubleton
queens. Bakkeren went down two, however, when he took both finesses
in the rounded suits. Please note that hearts were never mentioned.
Allegra +200.
Open Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Paulissen |
Buratti |
Nab |
Pass |
Pass |
1¨ |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2ª |
2NT |
3¨ |
4© |
4ª |
All Pass |
Lanzarotti’s slow approach worked out well as the double
fit easily came into the picture when he showed his twosuiter had
the second attempt. On a heart lead to the ace and a club shift,
declarer went two down when he for reasons only known to himself
refrained from taking an immediate spade finesse. As it was, it
did not really matter very much. Allegra another +100 here and 7
Board 12. Dealer West, NS Vul.
ª A 10 5 3 2
© A 8 6 3 2
¨ 4 3
§ A |
ª Q 7 4
© J 5
¨ K 9 8 6 5
§ J 10 9 |
ª J 9
© K 10 9 4
¨ Q J 10 2
§ 6 5 2 |
ª K 8 6
© Q 7
¨ A 7
§ K Q 8 7 4 3 |
Closed Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Bakkeren |
D'Avossa |
Bertens |
Ferraro |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2¨ |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
4§ |
Pass |
4¨ |
Pass |
4© |
Pass |
4ª |
Pass |
5§ |
Pass |
6§ |
Pass |
6ª |
All Pass |
2§ was general relay and 2¨ showed a minimum. Trumps were established
and a series of cuebids followed. Well, maybe, slam is not a good
contract, but the play was relatively simple after the ¨Q lead.
Win the ¨A, unblock the §A, play two rounds of trumps ending in
dummy and hope.
With the clubs behaving there are just enough parking places for
all the red losers. Well well. Allegra +1430
Open Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Paulissen |
Buratti |
Nab |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
2ª |
Pass |
3§ |
Pass |
4ª |
All Pass |
2§ was game forcing and 2ª was a relay. When Paulissen showed a
minimum with 3§ and also denied club support in the process, Nab
was no longer interested, so the Dutch reached a more normal contract
in which 11 tricks were easily made. Modalfa +650 but 13 more IMPs
to Allegra who were well in the lead now: 46-18.
Another not unlucky board for the Italians was board 18. Elsewhere
in this issue, Pete Ventura has described what happened on this
board at the two tables in the Tofas-Barcelona match. Mainly the
same thing happened in our match, the Dutch staying in a sensible
partscore of 1NT making nine tricks and the Italians reaching the
very, very thin game for a 6-IMP gain.
On the final board of the set, for once the Dutch self-restraint
paid off:
Board 20. Dealer West, All Vul.
ª Q 5
© A K 8
¨ J 10 7 5 3
§ J 10 9 |
ª A 4 3
© J 10 7 4
¨ A 8 4 2
§ 4 3 |
ª K J 7
© 9 5 3
¨ K 9
§ Q 8 7 6 5 |
ª 10 9 8 6 2
© Q 6 2
¨ Q 6
§ A K 2 |
Closed Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Bakkeren |
D'Avossa |
Bertens |
Ferraro |
Pass |
1¨ |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2¨ |
Pass |
2NT |
All Pass |
Once North opened the bidding, his side was destined to end up
too high. On the normal heart lead, declarer lacks time to establish
his 8th trick even though the club finesse is right. Modalfa +100.
Open Room: |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Paulissen |
Buratti |
Nab |
Pass |
Pass |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
1NT |
All Pass |
Paulissen’s “forcing” 1NT on a passed hand worked
well, as opener will only pass with a minimum or less. Making seven
tricks presented far less problems, so the Dutch added another +90
to recoup 5 IMPs and save a precious V.P. Allegra had won 65-24
which converted into 23-7 V.P.