Where is the Nine of Clubs?
Round 5 Czech Republic
vs England
Board 13. Dealer North. All Vul.
ª 9 8 6
© A 7 6 5 3
¨ 7 6
§ Q 9 7 |
ª K J 10 4
© J 8
¨ A J 8 5 4
§ J 3 |
ª A Q 7
© Q 10 4 2
¨ 3 2
§ A 6 5 4 |
ª 5 3 2
© K 9
¨ K Q 10 9
§ K 10 8 2 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Burgess |
Pulkrab |
Birdsall |
Vozabal |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
2ª |
Pass |
2NT |
All Pass |
After a weak not rump opening and an invitational sequence, the
English pair reached 2NT and the king of diamonds was the obvious
choice of lead for David Vozabal. When it held the trick, David
faced an interesting problem. With 11 HCP and such a bad diamond
situation, passive defence was unlikely to be successful, so a club
switch seemed to be necessary, hoping to find partner with the §Q
plus a major-suit ace. But where was the §9.
If declarer held that card, he might win North's queen of clubs
and knock out his ªA,
should that be his entry, before playing on hearts. It seems that
South requires his partner to hold either the §9
or the right major-suit ace, but
All the problems were solved when David put the §K
on the table! After this nice switch it became irrelevant who had
the §9 and which
ace partner held. The contract was defeated by a trick as partner
would always be able to play the third round of clubs through declarer's
nine should that prove to be necessary.
Bad Break - What Bad Break?
A five-zero trump split will often spell doom for declarer's hopes
but Italy's Stefano Uccello managed to overcome just such a nasty
surprise to land his contract in the Round 8 match between Italy
and Austria.
Board 16. Dealer West. East/West Vul.
ª Q 6 4
© A K 9 8
¨ K 9 8 3
§ Q 2 |
ª K J 9
© 10 7 5 3 2
¨ A 4
§ K 10 8 |
ª 8 7 5 3 2
© -
¨ J 10 7 6
§ 9 5 4 3 |
ª A 10
© Q J 6 4
¨ Q 5 2
§ A J 7 6 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Gogoman |
Uccello |
Gogoman |
Guariglia |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
4© |
All Pass |
For Austria, Adele Gogoman led a low spade, run to West's king.
Anna Gogoman returned a low trump and Uccello got a shock when his
eight scored with East showing out. Uccello ran the §Q to West's
king and back came a second trump, won by the nine. Uccello led
a diamond to the queen and ace and back came a third trump. He won,
cashed the ªA, and crossed to the ¨K to cash the ªQ, pitching dummy's
losing diamond. The ace and jack of clubs were cashed and Uccello
had a high crossruff for the last two tricks. No problem!
Almost a Sure Thing
Board 8. Dealer West. None Vul.
ª A Q 4
© K J 4
¨ A K 9 3
§ Q J 9 |
ª 10 8 5 2
© A 5
¨ Q J 10 5
§ K 5 4 |
ª K J
© 7 3 2
¨ 8 7 2
§ A 10 8 7 2 |
ª 9 7 6 3
© Q 10 9 8 6
¨ 6 4
§ 6 3 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Birdsall |
Burgess |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3¨ |
Dble |
3© |
All Pass |
In the Round 9 match between England and Sweden, the Swedish West
found a bit of a frisky double of the 3¨
transfer. Gareth Birdsall completed the transfer anyway and had
to play 3© on the
lead of the ¨2 to
the ten and ace. You might think that declarer had three obvious
losers in clubs and hearts and that the fate of his contract would
rest on his ability to divine the spade position and so play the
suit for one loser. You know nothing! See how the play went.
Birdsall played the ©K
at trick two and the Swedish West won and returned the ¨J.
Birdsall, perhaps imagining a six-one rather than four-three split
to explain the double, ducked to preserve his king from being ruffed!
West continued with another diamond and the nine scored, dummy pitching
a club. Birdsall drew trumps ending in hand and threw the other
club on his ¨K. Now
he played the §Q
and East covered.
There is a sure way home from here - pitch a spade and let the
§A hold the trick.
If East returns a spade it is obvious that you have a second spade
trick and nine in all, while discarding on a club return establishes
the jack and dummy's last spade goes on that card.
Birdsall fell from grace slightly when he ruffed
the club and ran the ª7.
As the cards lay, that play was good enough, as East is again endplayed.
However, give East ªK2
and West ªJ1085
and the ª7 will
be covered by the eight and, if declarer puts in the queen, a spade
return leaves him with two more spade losers, so the ending is not
quite a sure thing for declarer (on the actual lie, if the ª7
is covered by the eight, East returns the jack but dummy's ª96
are then equals against West's ten).