Has It To Do With Age?
By Christer Andersson
During the first couple of days we have heard on more than one
occasion that juniors are uninhibited bidders. There may be some
truth in that statement. We also recognise that many of the juniors
participating in these Junior Championships later turn up in the
corresponding Open and Women's European team Championships. By then,
they have often become more cautious bidders, but not always. Take
a look at this example from the match between Ukraine and Russia
in the recent Open Championship in Salsomaggiore.
Dealer West. East/West Vul.
ª Q J
© K Q 10 7
¨ A J 9 8 2
§ 8 6 |
ª 8 5 4 3
© A J 4
¨ Q 5 4
§ J 7 4 |
ª A K 10
© 2
¨ K 7 6 3
§ A K Q 9 3 |
ª 9 7 6 2
© 9 8 6 5 3
¨ 10
§ 10 5 2 |
In the Closed Room, Russia were sitting North/South. When North,
Maxim Khven opened in second seat with a Precision-style 1¨, South,
Georgi Maushko felt that he had to talk his opponents out of a likely
game. Although East, Gennadiy Rybnikov had entered the bidding with
a take-out double, Matushko calmly introduced his heart suit at
the one level. And when West, Dmytro Nikolayenko made a responsive
double and North was able to raise to 2©, Matushko competed to 3©
over East's 3§. When this did not prevent West from bidding 3NT,
Matushko had to sacrifice in 4© to prevent his opponents scoring
their vulnerable game.
This was the full auction:
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rybnikov |
Khven |
Nikolayenko |
Matushko |
Pass |
1¨ |
Dble |
1© |
Dble |
2© |
3§ |
3© |
3NT |
Pass |
Pass |
4© |
Dble |
All Pass |
West led his lowest club to partner's queen. The trump switch was
won by West's ace and a trump continuation by the king on table.
A diamond to the ten and queen gave the defence an opportunity to
play the third round of trumps. Matusko won the trump on table and
played ¨A then took a ruffing finesse against East's king. Two down
resulted in an 8 IMP pick-up as 3NT was made at the other table.
Even on a forcing defence, playing the black suits instead of drawing
trumps, the best the defence can manage is down three, which would
still be a 3 IMP gain to Russia.
The Trump Guard Squeeze
Round 1 Russia vs Sweden
By Michael Rosenblum
Board 15. Dealer South. North/South Vul.
ª A 7
© K 8 3
¨ A K 8 5 3 2
§ J 4 |
ª J 10
© 2
¨ Q 9 7 6 4
§ A Q 9 5 3 |
ª K 9 8 6 4 3 2
© A Q J
¨ 10
§ 10 7 |
ª Q 5
© 10 9 7 6 5 4
¨ J
§ K 8 6 2 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Malinovskij |
Cullin |
Krasnosselskij |
Upmark |
Pass |
2NT(i) |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
4ª |
All Pass |
(i) Both minors, weak
The opening lead was the jack of diamonds to the queen and king.
North, Cullin, switched to ace and another spade and Mikhail Krasnosselski
misguessed, finessing and losing to the queen.
If South does not lead a heart at this point, his partner will
be squeezed in the red suits. Upmark was aware of the situation
and duly found the heart switch, the ten. Cullin withheld his king
and Krasnosselski won. Now he ran all but one of his trumps to come
down to this ending:
© K 8
¨ K 8
§ J 4 |
© -
¨ 9 7
§ A Q 9 |
© A Q
¨ -
§ 10 7 |
© 9
¨ -
§ K 8 6 2 |
North had to find one more discard and could not afford a red card
so pitched the four of clubs. Now Krasnosselski played the §10
to dummy's queen, ruffed a diamond and, after cashing the ©A,
finessed the §9
for his contract.
Of course, Krasnosselski is top of the European Junior MP list,
and perhaps a less experienced player would have missed this opportunity.
In the replay, the Swedish East bid 3§
over his partner's 2NT opening (again weak with both minors), and
this went three down after Alexey Zaitsev led a trump.