7th European Mixed Championships Page 2 Bulletin 2 - Sunday, 17 March  2002

The Hamman Syndrome

Do you recall Bob Hamman's remark that 'the best play badly and the rest are awful?' Take a look at these three deals from the Vanderbilt Teams at the North American Championships currently being played in Houston, Texas.

Dealer South. East\West Vul
  ª A K 10 6 4
© K 6 5 2
¨ 8 4
§ 10 8
ª J 5 3
© Q J 4
¨ A 2
§ A 9 7 4 3
Bridge deal ª 9 8 7
© A 10 9 7
¨ J 9 6 5
§ K 5
  ª Q 2
© 8 3
¨ K Q 10 7 3
§ Q J 6 2

West North East South
Landen Meckstroth Pratap Rodwell
Pass 2 ª All Pass  

East led a diamond and West took the king with the ace. It looks obvious to switch to a trump but West played the queen of hearts, followed by the jack, the ace of clubs and a third heart. Declarer ruffed in dummy, cashed the queen of diamonds and played a diamond, ruffing as West discarding a club. After ruffing his last heart with the queen of spades declarer ruffed a diamond, cashed a top spade and exited with a club forcing a lead into the spade tenace for +110.

Dealer West. All Vul
  ª Q 8 5 2
© Q 8 7 5
¨ K 6 4
§ 4 3
ª K 10
© A 9 3
¨ 10 5 3 2
§ K J 10 8
Bridge deal ª A J 9 7 6
© K J 6
¨ A
§ A Q 9 7
  ª 4 3
© 10 4 2
¨ Q J 9 8 7
§ 6 5 2

West North East South
Landen Meckstroth Pratap Rodwell
Pass Pass 1ª Pass
1NT* Pass 3NT All Pass

If East has to rebid 3NT then this deal is no recommendation for the forcing notrump. East must have been worried that a bid of Three Clubs would have been passed, but with Six laydown and Seven playable this was a poor effort.

Dealer North. North\South
  ª 10 6 3
© A 10 8 2
¨ A Q 3
§ 6 5 3
ª K
© J 9 7 5
¨ 10 9 2
§ Q J 9 8 7
Bridge deal ª J 9 5 2
© Q 6 4 3
¨ J 8 5
§ K 4
  ª A Q 8 7 4
© K
¨ K 7 6 4
§ A 10 2

West North East South
Landen Meckstroth Pratap Rodwell
  Pass Pass 1§*
Pass 2¨* Pass 2ª
Pass 3©* Pass 3NT
All Pass      

Rodwell knew his partner's shape but elected to play in notrumps. West led the queen of clubs and declarer won, crossed to dummy with the ace of diamonds and played the ten of spades, covered in turn by the jack, queen and king. West switched to the jack of hearts and declarer won in hand crossed to the queen of diamonds and played a spade to the eight. When West discarded declarer had only one chance, to exit with a low diamond, hoping East would have to win with the jack and be endplayed. No luck and the club return put the contract two down.
If declarer had run the six of spades he would have made eleven tricks. Three deals to illustrate that Hamman's Syndrome is alive and well.

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