Qualifying Session I

Poland is represented by several strong pairs here in Bellaria and one of the strongest is Apolinary Kowalski and Ewa Banaszkiewicz. They had an excellent start to the tournament.

Board 17. Dealer North. Love All
ª K 10 8 6 4 3
© A Q 9 2
¨ J
§ J 8
ª 9 7
ª A Q J
© 10 7 5 4 © K 8
¨ 10 5 3 ¨ 9 8 7 6 4
§ Q 7 6 2 § K 5 4
ª 5 2
© J 6 3
¨ A K Q 2
§ A 10 9 3

West North East South
Moritsch Kowalski Rovera Banaszkiewicz

All Pass

The Two No Trump rebid was forcing and after Kowalski had bid out his shape Banaszkiewicz chose to play the No Trump game. Massimo Moritsch of Italy led the nine of spades to Laura Rovera's jack. Rovera switched to a diamond which ran to the jack and declarer played the jack of clubs off the dummy. It looks best for East to cover but she actually played low and Moritsch won the queen. He played a second spade through to the king and ace and Rovera sat for some time before deciding to cash the queen of spades. Banaszkiewicz had the rest now for +400. If East does not cash the spade but exits with a minor-suit card, it appears that declarer is a trick short and, with the alternative contract of Four Spades also looking to be one down, the Poles had an excellent board to steady their nerves.